Saturday, September 30, 2017


                   Joe Sullivan
                   For ALBANY MAYOR

                   Mark Robinson
                   For COMMON COUNCIL

Friday, September 29, 2017

November 7. Updated, corrected 9/20/17

Voters can expect law and order, actions to restore fiscal
solvency of the City of Albany. Changes in trash collection
and recycling,  repeal of the trash tax, as well as  snow removal.
Citizen involvement and responsibility in emergency/disaster planning .

City Court Judges that will   uphold the Constitution, in particular
Second Amendment including issuance of pistol permits to
qualified, law abiding citizens, and stay to interpreting rather than 
making laws.
 Law and Order - Exec Order #1  Repeal Sheehan Order with Sullivan
Order declaring Albany IS NOT A SANCTUARY CITY . Directing APD
Chief/Officers to cooperate with ICE in enforcement of all existing U S
Immigration Laws . This will restore 10's of million of annual federal aid
dollars to Albany thereby restoring fiscal solvency and a balanced   budget

Legal, vetted immigrants and migrants who can support themselves, learn
our language, who obey our laws, intend to assimilate into our culture and
become productive, proud to be American citizens will be welcome. Those who
who do not,  who practice belief systems which are hostile and in conflict
with  our Constitution, laws and culture, those who are hositile and intent
on doing us harm-are not welcome here.

The APD will aggressively act to keep our streets and neighborhoods safe
Assaults, robberies illegal gun violence, burglaries, vandalism, pan handling 
and anti-social, unlawful behavior shall not be tolerated.

Orderly, peaceful protests will be allowed. Violence, property damage, looting
obstruction of traffic, disorderly conduct , desceration of our Flag and public
monuments shall not be allowed

Exec Order #2   Set City speed limit of 25 mph on all City residential streets.
Direct APD to strictly enforce speed limit and all V&T Laws including no
passing on right, no running red lights/stop signs  and repealing Red Light
Camera program. This is a priority public safety/quality of life issue

Zoning ,Executive Order # 3  Immediate   Six month Moratorium  and
full review of Rezone Albany Retroactive to effective date of 
said Rezone Law enactment May 15. 2017, in
contemplation of amendment and full repeal, reinstatement of Sec 375 Code
in effect prior to May 15, 2017 with particular emphasis on  no mixed use
development in single residential family neighborhoods . Houses of Worship
so defined- no institutional classification as in Rezone, no mixed use or
privatizing of Albany Municipal Golf Course  and no grandfathering in
of non conforming uses as defined in the Zoning Code prior tp enactment
of Rezone Albany. Restoration of green open spaces formerly designated
in purpetuity as results of the efforts of Buckingham Pond/Crestwood NA .

This will restore fiscal solvency by preventing destruction of home values,
quality of life, and property tax in primes residential neighborhoods that
pay the lion's share of the property taxes that support City schools/government.

Executive Order #4   Security of  City reservoirs to guard against acts of
terror, sabotage and to protect actions aimed at  protecting water quality 
averting algae blooms and full all contracts/arrangements of water sales with
to local municipalities with the aim of sustainability of the City water supply
and  water sale rates equal  to what City residents pay.

Emergency/Disaster Preparededness . All City departments, agencies will
prepare coordinated responses to natural and  man made disasters , preventing
and dealing with terrorism. The general public will be expected to do the same..
Government, alone can't save us, we have to save ourselves and our government.

Appointments all incumbents willing to cooperate with, and further all new
policies of ths Sullivan Administration may apply for continuance.

1. Richard Stack Conservative Party Chair will be my Chief of Staff

2. I will ask former Mayor Jennings to accept position of Deputy Mayor
or Mayor Emeritus to be responsible for:
a) acting as liaison with the Governor and Legislature  to:
 a1) obtain annual 15 million POLIT payments from NYS for Harriman
State Office Campus
a2) Consolidate City schools /City government, establish one property tax
 roll to fund both, return to a K-8 neighborhood Albany school system,
making the Mayor responsible/accountable for operation/performance  of
City schools. Replacing the School Board with a three member administrative
panel of Gerry Jennings, Ed Trant and Jerry Spicer (all former principals)
and making   curriculum  and changes to state law that will allow for more
local control of city schools for a new urban education model.
a3) perform all mayoral ceremonial functions and press functions. The result:
improved learning, graduation rates, order in the schools, ending the lottery
system, return to neighborhood schools which are best for kids, parents, disciplined
learning settings to aid troubled kids with behavioral/learning problems. And
it will end a city within a city property tax burden of 250+million school budget
for City schools and a a 180+ million City budget. Thereby lifting the property
tax burden on homeowners and small businesses.  A major reform needed for
more effective education and a major role in restoring fiscal solvency and long
term balanced city budgets.

More to follow.                                                            Joseph P Sullivan
                                                                                      For Albany Mayor
                                                                                      Conservative   Row C
                                                                                      Nov 7   6am-9pm



Check with Albany County Board of Elections to determine
if there are vacancies available for filling because of nominations
declined, not accepted or disqualified ;

Common Council Wards   1, 11, 12?     Seeking independent individuals
any party or non enrolled to accept nominations if available. ASAP

City Court Justice   2 or 3 vacancies to fill ?  Seeking Judges who will
honor their oaths of office to support the Constitution, in partuclar
the Second Amendment including issuance of pistol permits to qualified
law abiding citizens AND Judges who will  correctly interpret laws rather
than make law, which is the responsibility of the legislative branch.  ASAP

Contact me ASAP at Indicate you are
responding to this Notice.

                                                                       Joe Sullivan
                                                                       For Albany Mayor
                                                                       Conservative    Row C
                                                                       Nov 7   6am-9pm

Mark has served the people of Ward 5 and all
the people of Albany as Council Member.

* Mark is an independent Democrat, not a
   rubber stamp for Mayor Sheehan.

   Corey Ellis is beholden to Mayor Sheehan
   who carried him to victory on her coat tails
   in the September 12 Democratic Primary.

  The November 7 Election will decide who
  will be the next  Common Council President
  and Mayor apparent should the Mayor move on
  shortly after election.

By Small Cities Law, the President of the Common
Council becomes the Mayor for the remainder of
that 4 year term.

Corey is not, and can not be a true independent
for the people. He would be Sheehan light.

Mark is an independent  for all the people of Albany.

Mark is a humble, hard worker who does not exude
an air of entitlement as does Corey.

Mark works buying and rehabbing abandoned homes
in West Hills..with no incentives or tax breaks. Corey
was on the Land bank buying and consolidating land
in the Black wards for developer deals with brown
bag contributors, foreclosing and excluding those
ward residents from having access to rehab and build
homes in their hood.

Mark is an independent for the people. Corey is a
Sheehan rubber stamp out for Corey, NOt the people! 

In sum, my vote Nov 7 is for Mark Robinson for Common
Council President. I respectfully ask you to vote for Mark
Robinson  Conservative Row Nov 7.

Thank you,

                                            Joseph P Sullivan
                                            For Albany  MAYOR
                                            Conservative  Row C
                                            November 7  6am-9pm 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Paddy (Pecker Dunne)
Kerryman, Last of the
Traveller Bards.

An inspiration to musicians, poets 
 and ordinary people


Pecker Dunne descends from O Sullivan Mor
of Kerry. Same as myself, my sons and cousins.
ydna of our 3X GGF Mhichil O Sullivan. The rest
of our line are O Sullivan Beara.

The hook nose, ruddy complexion and dark eyes
tell the tale.

O Sullivan Mor and O Sullivan Beare were
brothers descending  from
a common ancestor ca 400 AD.




                          Joe Sullivan

1. Congratulations to Frank Commisso  Jr
    Announcing he will not actively campaign
    for Albany Mayor on the Independence
    ballot line.

    A wise  move. Frank lives to fight another
    day  as a Democratic candidate, keeps the
    Commisso legacy alive and strengthens the
    hand of Frank Senior in his battle with
    Dan McCoy for control of County government.

    Perhaps, Frank Jr might accept being City
    Budget Director?

    Perhaps, Carolyn McLaughlin may accept
    a suitable roll in a Conservative City 

    The November 7 City election for Mayor 
     and control of the City Council is essentially
     a referendum on your Liberty and survival
     of a fiscally insolvent City on the fast track
     to becoming  Detroit on the Hudson.

     The choice before Commisso Primary voters
      Independence Party enrolled voter, 22,000
      Democrats who did not vote in the Democratic
      Primary, 3,000 Republicans, and 7,000 blanks
      (not enrolled in any party), as well as Greens
       and Conservatives who can vote November 7
       is clear - 

       Your can join the 6,000 Democrats who voted
       for the Sheehan  Left wing "progressives: in
       the Democratic Primary  which is a vote for
       destruction of the Uptown single family zoned
       residential neighborhoods (Rezone Albany)
       which will, in turn destroy fiscal support for
       already financially strapped City Schools/City
       services, control of available building land 
       neighborhoods, pushing blacks to the back of
       the bus and favoring Refugees and assorted illegal\
       aliens as the new Democratic Minority. 
       Exhibit A - concerting the only K-8 neighborhood
       school in North Albany, to a Refugee school for
       non- English speakers and forcing the largely black
       student body to attend schools outside their hood.
       Nor, does this speed the assimilation of immigrants
       legal, illegal or refugees into mainstream American
       culture and political participation.

       OR you can vote Conservative Row C for 
       your Liberty, survival and the fiscal solvency
       of the City of Albany.

      The Mayors race is a one on one match up as
       are a number of key wards in the Common
       Council contests.

       To read more- scroll back to posts on this 
        website, as well as 
       http://lonerangeralbany.blogspot. com 
       and htpp:// bpnanews.blogspot.comfrom
       January of 2017 to present.

        The Conservative (Row C) position is fiscal
         solvency of the City of Albany can be achieved
       1) Declaring Albany Not a sanctuary City
         thus avoiding loss of tens of millions of dollars
         annual aid from the federal government,

        2.) negotiating with Governor Cuomo to have
         NYS pay to the City of Albany the 15 million
         ANNUALdollar PILOT payment (in lieu of taxes)
         which is of mutual benefit to City taxpayers as
         well as the Governor.
         3) NOT SELLING the 353 acres
          of land in Coeymans that City tax payers paid
         5.2 million in tax dollars for in anticipation of
         a land fill solution - for a mere 500+,000 dollars
         as a desperate move by Mayor Sheehan to come
         up with a fake balanced 2018 City Budget by
         October 1. This would require the Common
         Council approval by October 31. DO NOT let
         them approve what is clearly a bad fiscal move.
         Hold on the to the 353 acres and sell it to not less
         but MORE than the 5.2 millions taxpayer dollars
         invested in the site.

         4.) In cooperation with the NYS Comptoller's 
         Office doing complete audits of Albany City
         government and City schools  Meeting with
         City workers, APD, AFD, Common Council 
         incumbents and challengers before October 31
         and any interested City resident voters receive
         recommendations for trimming wasteful spending
         of city taxpayer dollars.

         The result of all of the above should be a truly
          fiscally solvent City of Albany!

         It is about Liberty and Leadership - your  vote
         for Conservative (Row C) candidates, November
         7 is a vote for your Freedom and a fiscally solvent
         City of Albany.

          Vote Row C Conservative for a necessary course
           change in the City of Albany.

          Vote as if you life depends on it...  it does!

                                            Joe Sullivan
                                            For Albany Mayor
                                            Conservative Row C
                                            November 7  6 AM- 9PM 
                                            Absentee/Military Votes
                                            will be crucial.

Friday, September 22, 2017



                          Joseph P Sullivan 
                   For Albany Mayor
                   Conservative  Row C
                   November 7  6 AM-9 PM

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Listen to interview Focus on Albany

                   Joseph P Sullivan
                   ALBANY MAYOR
                   Conservative  Row C 
                   November 7  6 AM-9 PM

Monday, September 18, 2017


Nijmegan, Netherlands   oldest city in the
Netherlands and sister City to Albany
was nearly destroyed by bombs in WWII.

Albany 403 years old and is in the process
of being destroyed by self induced blight
and destruction of the few prime single
family residential zoned neighborhoods
by a new zoning code called Rezone Albany.

If the Dutch were in charge here,  Albany
would be a shining, clean city and the Hudson
River would not be polluted by tens of
thousands of sewage  dumped by the City of
Albany. The surrounding countryside would 
a neat vegetable/dairy garden.

If Mayor Sheehan were Mayor of Nijmegen
it would be under the sea.



Albany needs more Dutch immigrants
rather than an influx of more poor
unskilled, uneducated, non- English speaking
third world refugees and illegal aliens.

                                    Joe Sullivan




The Times Union reports that the City
of Albany may sell the 353 acres that
the Jennings administration purchased
with 5.2 million dollars of City property
taxpayer money as a future landfill site
for a fraction of what City taxpayers
paid for the site. This is a smart move?

Obviously a desperate move by the 
Albany Mayor and candidate for
reelection  in the November 7 election
to achieve a balanced 2018 budget for
presentation to the Common Council
by October 1.

The Common Council, which includes
a number of lame duck members as
well as many returning rubber stamp
members, as a result of the September
12 Democratic Primary, must vote to
approve that budget by the end of 

Mayor Sheehan has appointed Sue
Rizzo, who won the September 12
primary for City Auditor, to fill the
current vacancy in that office.

Can Sue Rizzo conduct an unbiased
audit of this proposed move by Mayor
and candidate for reelection Sheehan
and present it before the Common
Council must vote on the Mayor's
2018 City Budget proposal?

The answer is YES.  Sue Rizzo has
a real estate background and was
top vote recipient in the September 12
primary, out polling Mayor Sheehan
by a thousand votes. Sue Rizzo has
no November 7 election opponent
therefore she is City Auditor elect
whereas Mayor Sheehan must win
a contested November 7 election in
order to continue on as Mayor. For
the next four years? In addition,
the City Charter provides that the
City Auditor is accountable to the
voters of the City of Albany. NOT
the Mayor.

The adverse impact of Rezone
Albany on neighborhood residential
integrity, quality of life, home values
the City property tax base in the
prime single family zoned residential
neighborhoods which pay the lion's 
share of property taxes that support
City schools/City government services
is the subject of another audit by the
City Auditor before Albany becomes
Detroit on the Hudson as homeowners
in the prime single family residential
neighborhoods flee the City.

Who, then will support City schools
and City services?

City Auditor Rizzo can, ... conducting
and presenting the above audits prior
to the November 7 election save the
City of Albany.   Yes, she can.

                              Joseph P Sullivan
                              For Albany Mayor
                              Conservative  Row C
                              November 7, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017


                   Joe Sullivan